Document |
Assignment Date |
Title |
Source |
Type |
| 01158 | 2004.07.14 | SC 32 Request to make the codes and Annex of ISO/IEC 5218:2004, freely available | SC 32 Secretariat | Other Document (Open) |
| 01157 | 2004.07.14 | Template for Ballot Comments | SC 32 Secretariat | Other Document (Open) |
| 01156 | 2004.07.23 | ISO/IEC FCD 9075-14 Information technology - Database Language SQL - Part 14: SQL/XML (for SQL:200n) | SC 32 Secretariat | Text for FCD Ballot |
| 01155 | 2004.07.16 | ISO/IEC CD 13249-6 Information technology - Database languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 6: Data Mining 2nd ed. | SC 32 Secretariat | Text for CD ballot or comment |
| 01154 | 2004.07.07 | ISO/IEC CD 13249-3 Information technology - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 3: Spatial 3rd ed. | SC 32 Secretariat | Text for CD ballot or comment |
| 01152 | 2004.07.01 | ISO/IEC FCD 11179-2:200x Information technology — Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 2: Classification for administered items | SC 32 Secretariat | Text for FCD Ballot |
| 01151 | 2004.07.01 | Logistical information for Interim WG2 Meeting in Washington | Dan Gillman - BLS Host | Logistical information for meeting |
| 01150 | 2004.07.02 | SC 32 Document Register SC 32 N1101-N1150 | SC 32 Secretariat | Document Register |
| 01149 | 2004.07.01 | Notice of Ballot Resolution Meeting for ISO/IEC DCOR 9075 (all parts) - 15th November - 19th November 2004 - Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands | Project Defect Editor | Meeting Announcement |
| 01148 | 2004.06.30 | Notice of Working Group Meeting ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG3 Database Languages - 15th November - 19th November 2004 - Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands | WG3 Convenor | Meeting Announcement |
| 01147 | 2004.06.16 | ISO/IEC DCOR 9075-99:200x(E) Information technology - Database languages - SQL All Parts: Consolidated Document - Technical Corrigendum 1 | SC 32 Secretariat | Text for DCOR Ballot |
| 01146 | 2004.06.10 | ISO/IEC WD 19503 Information technology - XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) | OMG | Working Draft Text (for information) |
| 01145 | 2004.05.10 | ISO/IEC WD 19502 Information technology - Meta Object Facility (MOF) Specification | OMG | Working Draft Text (for information) |
| 01144 | 2004.06.09 | Agenda for the SC32WG2 Meeting in Washington, DC, 2004.11.08/12 | Larry Fitzwater - WG 2 Convener | Meeting Agenda |
| 01143 | 2004.06.16 | ISO/IEC CD 13249-1 Information technology - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 1: Framework 3rd ed. | SC 32 Secretariat | Text for CD Ballot or Comment |
| 01142 | 2004.06.09 | Towards Identifying and Prioritising areas requiring improved Database Language Standards | SC 32 Secretariat | Other document (Open) |
| 01141 | 2004.05.25 | WG 2/ebXML RR Presentation | WG 2 - Hisanao Sugamata | Other Document (Open) |
| 01140 | 2004.05.25 | Summary of Voting on 32N1086 ISO/IEC CD 19763-2 Information technology - Framework for Metamodel interoperability Part 2: Core (MOF/XMI extensions) | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 01139 | 2004.05.25 | Summary of Voting on 32N1085 ISO/IEC CD 19763-1 Information technology - Framework for Metamodel interoperability Part 1: Reference model | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 01138 | 2004.05.25 | Summary of Voting on 32N1074 ISO/IEC FCD 11179-6 Information technology — Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 6: Registration | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |