Document |
Assignment Date |
Title |
Source |
Type |
| 702 | 2001.10.26 | Final Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Meeting, Monday 2001-10-22 and Friday 2001-10-26, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada | SC 32 Secretariat | Meeting Agenda |
| 701 | 2001.10.31 | Document List - ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Meeting - Victoria, BC, 2001-10-15/26 | SC 32 Secretariat | Other Document (Open) |
| 700 | 2001.11.02 | Document Register for SC 32 N 651 - N 700 | SC 32 Secretariat | Document Register |
| 699 | 2001.10.15 | International Standards Organization (ISO) 4217 Currency Codes and XML Schema: Proposed tML ISO 4217 Standard | Technical Expert - Raymond E. Reeves, Sprint | Other document (Open) |
| 698 | 2001.10.15 | International Standards Organization (ISO) 3166 Country Codes and XML Schema: Proposed tML ISO 3166 Standard | Technical Expert - Raymond E. Reeves, Sprint | Other document (Open) |
| 697 | 2001.10.12 | Cultural and linguistic adaptability: a critical issue for the interoperability of infrastructures, and a business opportunity on the Internet (A presentation) | Subject matter expert - Yves Hudon (Canada) | Other document (Open) |
| 696 | 2001.10.22 | Working Draft ISO/IEC WD 18038 Identification and Mapping of Various Categories of Jurisdictional Domains | Project Editor (Jake Knoppers) | Working Draft Text (for information or comment) |
| 695 | 2001.10.16 | ISO/IEC WD 18022:200x - IT-Enablement for Widely-Used Coded Domains | Project Editor - Jake Knoppers | Working Draft Text (for information or comment) |
| 694 | 2001.10.12 | ISO/IEC WD 5218 - Information Exchange - Representation of human sexes | Project Editor (Jake Knoppers) | Working Draft Tex |
| 693 | 2001.10.09 | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies to 32N0648 Information technology - Achieving Metadata Registry Content Consistency - Part 1: Data elements | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 692 | 2001.10.09 | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies to 32N0647 ISO/IEC FCD 13249-6:200x Information technology - Database languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 6: Data Mining | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 691 | 2001.10.09 | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies to 32N0643 ISO/IEC FCD 11179-3:200x Information technology - Data management and interchange - Metadata registries (MdR) - Part 3: Registry metamodel (MdR3) | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 690 | 2001.10.01 | Rationale Presentation for the NWI: Framework for Registering Business Objects | National Body - Japan | Other Document (open) |
| 689 | 2001.10.01 | Rationale for the NWI: Framework for Registering Business Objects | National Body - Japan | Other Document (open) |
| 688 | 2001.10.01 | Working Draft - Framework for Registering Business Objects | National Body - Japan | Working Draft Text (for information or comment) |
| 687 | 2001.10.01 | Proposal for a New Work Item (NWI for standardization work; Framework for Registering Business Objects ) | National Body - Japan (Hajime Horiuchi) | Proposed NP (proposal under review by WG or SC) |
| 686 | 2001.10-01 | UK Position with respect to SC32 WG 5, Database Access and Interchange for SC32 Victoria Plenary, 2001-10-22 and 2001-10-26 | National Body - United Kingdom | Other Document (defined) |
| 685 | 2001.09.26 | UK Proposal for Sponsoring Authority for ISO/IEC 6523-2:1998 | National Body - United Kingdom | Other Document (Defined) |
| 684 | 2001.09.26 | Meeting Notice and Draft Agenda for ISO/IEC CD 13249-2,3,5 SQL/MM Part 2: Full Text, Part 3: Spatial, and Part 5: Still Image Editing meeting, 22 October (Monday) to 27 October (Saturday), Victoria, Canada | Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 4 Covenor | Meeting Announcement |
| 683 | 2001.09.26 | Meeting Notice and Draft Agenda for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 4 SQL Multimedia and Application Packages, 22 October (Monday) to 26 October (Friday), Victoria, Canada | Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 4 Covenor | Meeting Announcement |