Documents 251 - 375

Document Assignment Date Title Source Type
2681999..05.12Canadian comments on UK proposal SC32 N0247 for WG5National Body CanadaNational Body Contribution
2671999.05.11Input on ISO/IEC 11179 HarmonizationNational Body CanadaNational Body Contribution
2661999.05.14Proposal re Names in WD 11179-3 RevisionNational Body CanadaNational Body Contribution
2651999.05.13Proposal re identifiers in WD 11179-3 RevisionNational Body CanadaNational Body Contribution
2641999.05.13Impact of merging X3.285 with ISO/IEC 11179National Body CanadaNational Body Canada
2631999.05.13Proposal to change the name of ISO/IEC 11179 Family of StandardsNational Body CanadaNational Body Canada
2621999.05.11Proposed NP for Technical Report on Procedures for Achieving Data Registry Content ConsistencyU.S. National BodyProposed NP (proposal under review by WG)
2611999.05.11ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-3 Information technology - Database languages - SQL - Part 3: Call-Level InterfaceJim Melton, Project EditorText for FDIS ballot
2601999.05.04Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 198, Title: ISO/IEC FCD 9075-10 Information technology - Database Language SQL - Part 10: Object language bindingsSC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting/Table of Replies
2591999.05.04Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 0197, Title: ISO/IEC CD 9075-9 Information Technology - Database Language SQL - Part 9: Management of External Data (SQL/MED)SC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting/Table of Replies
2581999.05.03U.S.A. Position Deriving From ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 N 0247U.S.A. SC 32 Joint TAGNational Body Contribution
25719998.04.28Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 NO188, Title ISO/IEC FCD 13249-1 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 1: FrameworkSC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting/Table of Replies
2561999.04.28Revised draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Meeting, Monday 1999-05-24 and Friday 1999-05-28, Matsue, JapanSC 32 SecretariatMeeting Agenda
2551999.04.28Resolutions Adopted at the Thirteenth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1, 26-29 in Rio de Janerio, BrazilJTC 1 SecretariatInformation from JTC 1 Secretariat
2541999.04.28ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 32 Data Management and Interchange Meeting Matsue - Meeting ScheduleSC 32 SecretariatMeeting Announcement
2531999.04.26JTC 1/SC 32 Programme of WorkSC 32 SecretariatProgramme of Work
2521999.04.26ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Project Correction FormSC 32 SecretariatOther document (Open)
2511999.04.26SC 32 Project Summary ListSC 32 SecretariatOther Document (Open)