Document |
Assignment Date |
Title |
Source |
Type |
| 339 | 1999.07.29 | ISO/IEC FDIS 9579, Second Edition Information Technology - Remote Database Access for SQL with Security Enhancement | FPDAM 9579 Amd 1 Editing Meeting, Matsue, May 1999 | Text for FDIS Ballot |
| 338 | 1999.07.09 | SC 32 Project Overview List | SC 32 Secretariat | Other Document (Open) |
| 337 | 1999.07.08 | Logistical Information Regarding the SC32/WG1 Meeting in Helsinki, Finland, September 6-8-1999 | SC32/WG1 Secretariat | Logistical information for meeting |
| 336 | 1999.07.08 | Notice and Draft Agenda for the Third Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC32/WG1 | SC32/WG1 Secretariat | Meeting Agenda |
| 335 | 1999.05.27 | Subproject Proposal for SQL/OLAP Amendment | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 3 | Proposed NP (proposal under review by WG or SC) |
| 335 | 1999.05.27 | Subproject Proposal for SQL/OLAP Amendment | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 3 | Proposed NP (proposal under review by WG or SC) |
| 334 | 1999.05.27 | Subproject Proposal for SQL/Schemata | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 3 | Proposed NP (proposal under review by WG or SC) |
| 333 | 1999.06.08 | JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Resolutions, 1999-05-28, Matsue, Japan | SC 32 Secretariat | Resolutions |
| 332 | 1999.05.27 | SC32/WG5 meeting resolutions from the Matsue meeting | SC 32/WG 5 | Resolutions |
| 331 | 1999.05.27 | SC32/WG4 meeting resolutions from the Matsue meeting | SC 32/WG 4 | Resolutions |
| 330 | 1999.05.27 | SC32/WG3 meeting resolutions from the Matsue meeting | SC 32/WG3 | Resolutions |
| 329 | 1999.05.27 | SC32/WG2 meeting resolutions from the Matsue meeting | SC 32/WG 2 | Resolutions |
| 328 | 1999.05.27 | SC32/WG1 meeting resolutions from the Matsue meeting | SC 32/WG 1 | Resolutions |
| 327 | 1999.05.28 | WG5 Convener's report | SC32/WG5 | Meeting Report |
| 323 | 1999.05.27 | Appointment of Liasion from WG 2 to OMG Business Object Domain Task Force | SC 32/WG 2 | Other document (Open) |
| 322 | 1999.05.27 | WD Metadata Query Service An Object Technology Extension to the ISO/IEC 11179 Specification and Standardization of Data Elements, Part 3, Basic Attributes | SC 32/WG 2 | Working Draft Text (for information or comment) |
| 321 | 1999.05.27 | Proposal for MetaData Query Service - An Object Technology Extension to the ISO/IEC 11179 Specification | SC 32/WG 2 | Proposed NP (proposal under review by WG or SC) |
| 320 | 1999.05.27 | Proposal for Technical Report on ISO/IEC 11179 Metadata Registry Content | SC 32/WG 2 | Proposed NP (proposal under review by WG or SC) |
| 313 | 1999.05.27 | Revised scope of SC32/WG1 | SC32/WG1 meeting in Matsue | Other document (Open) |
| 311 | 1999.05.27 | WG3 Programme of Work, Target Dates, Editors, Liasions and Meeting Schedule, May 1999 | SC32/WG3 | Programme of Work |