Documents 251 - 375

Document Assignment Date Title Source Type
3581999-09-28SC 32 Project WithdrawlsSC 32 Matsue MeetingOther Document (Open)
3571999.09.28SC 32 Comments to JTC 1 N 4046SC 32 Matsue MeetingOther Document (Open)
3561999.09.10Notice and Draft Agenda for the Fourth Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC32/WG1SC32/WG1 SecretariatMeeting Announcement
3551999.09.10Comments to ISO TC 154 on PDTR 16668SC32/WG1Outgoing Liaison Statement
3541999.09.10SC32/WG1 meeting resolutions from the Helsinki meetingSC32/WG1Resolutions
3531999.09.10Meeting Notice and Draft Agenda for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2 Metadata, 17 to 27 January 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USAConvenor, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2Meeting Announcement
3521999.08.31Meeting Notice and Information, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary (24 and 28 January 2000), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USASC 32 SecretariatMeeting Announcement
3511999.08.31Draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Meeting, Monday 2000-01-24 and Friday 2000-01-28, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USASC 32 SecretariatMeeting Agenda
3501999.08.31Document Register for SC 32 N 301 - N 350SC 32 SecretariatDocument Register
3491999.08.31ISO/IEC FCD 9579, Information Technology - Remote Database Access for SQL with Security Enhancement - Third EditionSC 32 SecretariatText for FCD Ballot
3481999.08.31ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG5 Data Access and Interchange Meeting Calling Notice and AgendaSC 32/WG 5 ConvenerMeeting Announcement
3471999.08.24Agenda Working Group Meeting ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 3 17th January - 27th January 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.SC 32/WG 2 ConvenerMeeting Agenda
3461999.08.24Notice of Working Group Meeting ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC32/WG3 Database Languages - 17th January - 27th 2000SC 32/WG 2 ConvenerMeeting Announcement
3451999.08.17ISO/IEC CD 13249-5 Still Image CD Final Disposition of CommentsSC 32/WG 4Disposition of Comments
3441999.08.17Minutes of the SQL/MM FCD and CD Editing Meetings, April 6-10, 1998, Curitiba, BrazilPaul ScarponciniMeeting Report
3431999.08.17Minutes of the SQL/MM WG4 Meeting and FCD and CD Continuation Editing Meetings, July 9-13 - 17, 1998, Brisbane and Sydney, AustrailiaPaul Scarpoincini (USA), Hugh Darwen (United Kingdom) SC 32/WG 4Meeting Report
3421999.08.17ISO/IEC FCD 13249-5 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 5: Still ImageSC 32 SecretariatText for FCD Ballot
3411999.07.29NP for Identification, Mapping and IT-enablement of existing standards for widely used encodable value domainsSC 32 SecretariatText for NP ballot (text submitted to JTC 1 for ballot)
3401999.07.29NP for Identification and Mapping of Various Categories of Jurisdictional DomainsSC 32 SecretariatText for NP ballot (text submitted to JTC 1 for ballot)
3391999.07.29ISO/IEC FDIS 9579, Second Edition Information Technology - Remote Database Access for SQL with Security EnhancementFPDAM 9579 Amd 1 Editing Meeting, Matsue, May 1999Text for FDIS Ballot