Documents 126 - 250

Document Assignment Date Title Source Type
1641998.08.05Notice of Final Continuation FCD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DIS 9075, Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5.SC32 Secretariat17 Meeting Annoucement
1631998.08.05JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Resolutions, July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.SC 32 Secretariat75 Resolutions
1621998.08.05Expected Benefits and Responsibilities of "C" Liaison between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and SC 32/WG, 2, WG 3 and WG 4SC 32/WG 2, WG 3 and WG 4Other Document (Defined)
1611998.08.05Request for Subdivisions of SQL/MM Part 2: Full Text (Project 64.02) and Part 3: Spatial (Project 64.03)SC 32/WG 4 Convenor (K. Shibano)73 Program Extension Document
1601998.08.05Liasion List for Approval at SC 32 Plenary Meeting, July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.SC 32 Secretariat101 Other document (Open)
1591998.08.05Expected Benefits and Responsiblities of "C" Liasion between SC 32/WG 4 and Open GIS Consortium, Inc.SC 32/WG 433 Other document (Defined)
1581998.08.05SC 32/WG 5 Convenor's ReportSC 32/WG 5 Convenor (J. Hadjioannou)91 Meeting Report
1571998.08.05SC 32/RG 2 Resolution Submitted to the SC 32 Plenary, July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.SC 32/RG 2 Rapporteur (J. Berube)75 Resolutions
1561998.08.05SC 32/WG 5 Terms of ReferenceSC 32/WG 5 Convenor (J. Hadjioannou)101 Other documents (Open)
1551998.08.05SC 32/WG 4 Resolutions Submitted to the SC 32 Plenary, July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.SC 32/WG 475 Resolutions
1541998.08.05SC 32/WG 2 Resolutions Submitted to the SC 32 Plenary, July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.SC 32/WG 275 Resolutions
1531998.08.05Conceptual Schema Modeling Facilities CD 14481 Editing Meeting (Brisbane, July 1998) Report and Dispostion of National Body Comments.CSMF Editing Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.91 Meeting Report
1521998.08.05JTC 1/SC 32 Working Group Terms of Reference.SC 32 Secretariat79 Information from SC Secretariat
1511998.08.05SC 32/WG 3 Convenor's Report to the SC 32 Plenary, July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.SC 32/WG 3 Convenor (s. Cannan)33 Other document (Defined)
1501998.08.05Document Register for SC 32 N 101-N 150.SC 32 Secretariat1 Document Register
1491998.08.05Proposed Guidelines for the Production, Distribution, and Storage of SC 32 Documents.J. Melton (USA) and S. Cannan (NLD)33 Other document (Defined)
1481998.08.05UK Contribution to SC 32/WG 2 on work Items to be considered by SC 32.UK National Body89 National Body Contribution
1471998.08.05Horizontal Issues and Encodable Value Domains in Electronic Commerce: Non-technical Summary and Real World Examples to supplement BT-EC Report.Canadian National Body89 National Body Contribution
1461998.06.26Revised Draft Agenda for the SC 32/WG 2 Metadata Meeting, 6-9 July 1998, Brisbane, Australia.J. Christensen, SC 32/WG 2 Convener22 Meeting Agenda
1451998.06.26ISO/IEC FDIS 9579, Information Technology - Remote Database Access for SQL.J. Hadjioannou54 Final Text submitted for IS publication