Document |
Assignment Date |
Title |
Source |
Type |
| 203 | 1118.12.18 | Notice of FCD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DIS 9075-3, SQL Call Level Interface | SC 32 Secretariat / WG 3 Convener | Meeting Announcement |
| 202 | 1998.12.14 | BUSINESS PLAN FOR JTC1/SC32, Data Management | SC 32 Chairman | Business Plan |
| 201 | 1998.12.14 | SC 32 response to JTC1 N5437, Request for National Body and Subcommittee comments to JTC1 on the recommendations of the Report of the Business Team on Electronic Commerce (JTC1 N5296) | JTC1/SC32 | Other document (Open) |
| 200 | 1998.12.14 | Document Register for SC 32 N 151 - N 200 | SC 32 Secretariat | Document Register |
| 199 | 1998.12.09 | US Response to 32N189 | US | National Body Contribution |
| 198 | 1998.12.14 | ISO/IEC 9075-10 FCD Information Technology - Database Language SQL - Part 10: Object language bindings | Jim Melton, Project Editor | Text for FCD Ballot |
| 197 | 1998.12.15 | ISO/IEC CD 9075-9 Information Techology - Database Language SQL - Part 9: Management of External Data (SQL/MED) | Jim Melton, Project Editor | Text for CD Ballot |
| 196 | 1998.12.08 | Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 0171, Title ISO/IEC FCD 14481, Information Technology - Conceptual Schema Modelling Facilities | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 195 | 1998.12.07 | Canadian Response 32N189 | Canada | National Body Contribution |
| 194 | 1998.12.7 | Canadian Response JTC1N5519 DTR15452 (JTC1/SC32N178) | Canada | National Body Contribution |
| 193 | 1998.11.11 | Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 172, Title CSMF Project Split | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 192 | 1998.11.03 | Scope of SC32/WG1 | SC32/WG1 Meeting in Ottawa | Other document (Open) |
| 191 | 1998.11.03 | Request for contributions on Formal Description Techniques | SC32/WG1 Secretariat | Other document (open) |
| 190 | 1998.11.03 | SC 32/WG 1 Resolutions from Ottawa Meeting - 21-25 September 1998 | JTC 1/SC32/WG 1 Secretariat | Resolutions |
| 189 | 1998.11.02 | DRAFT SC32 comments to JTC1 in response to Resolution 8 from Sendai meeting | Sandy Paul | Other document (Open) |
| 188 | 1998.10.20 | ISO/IEC FCD13249-1 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 1: Framework. | Mike Newton - Project Editor | Text for FCD ballot |
| 187 | 1998.10.14 | Notice of SC 32/WG 4 meeting and FCD Continuation Editing Meeting for SQL/MM, ISO/IEC FCD 13249-2, FCD 13249-3,
10 November - 13 November 1998, Heidelberg, Germany | Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 4 | Meeting Announcement |
| 186 | 1998.10.14 | ISO/IEC FCD 11179-1 Information Technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 1: Framework
for the specification and standardization of data elements | D. Gillman, Project Editor | Text for FCD Ballot |
| 185 | 1998.10.12 | Draft Agenda for the JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2 (Metadata) Meeting, 8-19 February 1999 in Washington, DC, USA | WG 2 Convener | Meeting Agenda |
| 183 | 1998.10.12 | Calling Notice for the JTC 1/SC 32/WG 2 (Metadata) Meeting, 8-19 February 1999 in Washington, DC, USA | WG 2 Convener | Call for Delegates |