Documents 126 - 250

Document Assignment Date Title Source Type
2241999.03.08ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-4 Database Language SQL - Part 4: Persistent Stored ModulesProject Editor - Jim MeltonText for FDIS ballot
2231999.03.08ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-2 Database Language SQL - Part 2: FoundationProject Editor - Jim MeltonText for FDIS ballot
2221999.03.08ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-1 Database Language SQL - Part 1: SQL FrameworkProject Editor - Jim MeltonText for FDIS ballot
2211999.03.08Resolutions of the ISO/IEC FCD 9075-3 SQL/Call Level Interface Editing Meeting of 19th of February 1999WG 3 ConvenerResolutions
2201999.03.02Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N0188, Title ISO/IEC FCD 13249-1 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 1: FrameworkSC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting/Table of Replies
2191999.02.26TMB Communique No. 6ISO TMBInformation from ISO Central Secretariat
2171999.02.26Notice of CD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC 9075-9, SQL Management of External DataSC 32 SecretariatFYI
2161999.02.26Notice of FCD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DIS 9075-10, SQL Object Language BindingsSC 32 SecretariatMeeting Announcement
2151999.02.22Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 0186, Title: ISO/IEC FCD 11179-1 Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 1: Framework for the specification and standardization of data elementsSC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting Table of Replies
2141999.02.05Addendum to Canadian Ballot Comment on CD 10728 IRDS Services Interface (SC32 N0095) as recorded in SC32 N0140Canada National BodyNational Body Contribution
2131999.01.22Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N0176, Title - ISO/IEC FCD 9075-3 (SQL/Call-Level InterfaceSC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting/Table of Replies
2121999.01.15Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 0204, Title ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Resolution for JTC 1 regarding JTC 1 delegation to the MoU Management GroupSC 32 SecretariatSummary of Voting/Table of Replies
2111999.01.15ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DTR 15452, Specification of data value domainsJudith Newton, EditorMeeting Announcement
2091999.01.11ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC 10728 IRDS Services Interface (Revision)David J. L. Gradwell, RapporteurMeeting Announcement
2081998.12.22Canadian Response JTC1N5519 DTR 15452 (JTC1/SC32N178)CanadaNational Body Contribution
2071998.12.22Meeting Notice and Information, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Working Group Tutorial Meeting (21 May 1999) and Plenary (24 & 28 May 1999), Matsue, JapanSC 32 SecretariatMeeting Announcement
2061998.12.22Draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Meeting, Monday, 1999-05-24 and Friday, 1999-05.28, Matsue, JapanSC 32 SecretariatMeeting Agenda
2051998.12.22Draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Working Group Tutorial Meeting, Friday, 1999-05-21, Matsue, JapanSC 32 SecretariatMeeting Agenda
2041998.12.18Ballot for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC Resolution for JTC 1 regarding JTC 1 delegation to the MoU Management GroupSC 32 SecretariatOther document (Defined)
2031118.12.18Notice of FCD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DIS 9075-3, SQL Call Level InterfaceSC 32 Secretariat / WG 3 ConvenerMeeting Announcement