Document |
Assignment Date |
Title |
Source |
Type |
| 224 | 1999.03.08 | ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-4 Database Language SQL - Part 4: Persistent Stored Modules | Project Editor - Jim Melton | Text for FDIS ballot |
| 223 | 1999.03.08 | ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-2 Database Language SQL - Part 2: Foundation | Project Editor - Jim Melton | Text for FDIS ballot |
| 222 | 1999.03.08 | ISO/IEC FDIS 9075-1 Database Language SQL - Part 1: SQL Framework | Project Editor - Jim Melton | Text for FDIS ballot |
| 221 | 1999.03.08 | Resolutions of the ISO/IEC FCD 9075-3 SQL/Call Level Interface Editing Meeting of 19th of February 1999 | WG 3 Convener | Resolutions |
| 220 | 1999.03.02 | Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N0188, Title ISO/IEC FCD 13249-1 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 1: Framework | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 219 | 1999.02.26 | TMB Communique No. 6 | ISO TMB | Information from ISO Central Secretariat |
| 217 | 1999.02.26 | Notice of CD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC 9075-9, SQL Management of External Data | SC 32 Secretariat | FYI |
| 216 | 1999.02.26 | Notice of FCD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DIS 9075-10, SQL Object Language Bindings | SC 32 Secretariat | Meeting Announcement |
| 215 | 1999.02.22 | Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 0186, Title: ISO/IEC FCD 11179-1 Information technology - Specification and standardization of data elements - Part 1: Framework for the specification and standardization of data elements | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting Table of Replies |
| 214 | 1999.02.05 | Addendum to Canadian Ballot Comment on CD 10728 IRDS Services Interface (SC32 N0095) as recorded in SC32 N0140 | Canada National Body | National Body Contribution |
| 213 | 1999.01.22 | Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N0176, Title - ISO/IEC FCD 9075-3 (SQL/Call-Level Interface | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 212 | 1999.01.15 | Summary of Voting on Document SC 32 N 0204, Title ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Resolution for JTC 1 regarding JTC 1 delegation to the MoU Management Group | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 211 | 1999.01.15 | ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DTR 15452, Specification of data value domains | Judith Newton, Editor | Meeting Announcement |
| 209 | 1999.01.11 | ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC 10728 IRDS Services Interface (Revision) | David J. L. Gradwell, Rapporteur | Meeting Announcement |
| 208 | 1998.12.22 | Canadian Response JTC1N5519 DTR 15452 (JTC1/SC32N178) | Canada | National Body Contribution |
| 207 | 1998.12.22 | Meeting Notice and Information, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Working Group Tutorial Meeting (21 May 1999) and Plenary (24 & 28 May 1999), Matsue, Japan | SC 32 Secretariat | Meeting Announcement |
| 206 | 1998.12.22 | Draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Plenary Meeting, Monday, 1999-05-24 and Friday, 1999-05.28, Matsue, Japan | SC 32 Secretariat | Meeting Agenda |
| 205 | 1998.12.22 | Draft Agenda for the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Working Group Tutorial Meeting, Friday, 1999-05-21, Matsue, Japan | SC 32 Secretariat | Meeting Agenda |
| 204 | 1998.12.18 | Ballot for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC Resolution for JTC 1 regarding JTC 1 delegation to the MoU Management Group | SC 32 Secretariat | Other document (Defined) |
| 203 | 1118.12.18 | Notice of FCD Editing Meeting for ISO/IEC DIS 9075-3, SQL Call Level Interface | SC 32 Secretariat / WG 3 Convener | Meeting Announcement |