Document |
Assignment Date |
Title |
Source |
Type |
| 1066 | 2003.11.14 | ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 4 Melbourne Meeting Resolutions | WG 4 Convener | Resolutions |
| 1065 | 2003.11.06 | ISO/IEC WD 19763-2 Information Technology - Framework for Metamodel Interoperability-- Part-2: Core Model | Project Editors - Masaharu Obayashi & Doo-Kown Baik | Working Draft Text |
| 1064 | 2003.11.06 | ISO/IEC WD 19763-1 Information Technology - Framework for Metamodel Interoperability-- Part-1: Reference Model | Project Editors - Hajime Horiuchi & Tim Bourne | Working Draft Text |
| 1063 | 2003.11.06 | (2nd Draft of) "Annex C (Normative) Codes Representing UN Member States and Their Official (or de facto) Languages | Dr. Jake V.Th. Knoppers - Editor | Other Document (Open) |
| 1062 | 2003.10.03 | BUSINESS PLAN FOR ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC32, Data Management and Interchange as of September 2003 | Bruce Bargmeyer - Chairman | Business Plan |
| 1061 | 2003.10.03 | Rapporteur Group 1 is Dissolved | SC 32 Secretariat | Information from SC Secretariat |
| 1060 | 2003.10.03 | Summary of Voting on 32N1002 ISO/IEC DCOR 11179-3 Information technology -Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 3: Registry Metamodel and basic attributes | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 1059 | 2003.09.24 | Summary of Voting on 32N0992 ISO/IEC FCD 11179-1 Information technology -Metadata Registries (MDR) - Part 1: Framework | SC 32 Secretariat | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 1058 | 2003.10.21 | Canadian Position on Revision of ISO/IEC 11179 | National Body - Canada | National Body Contribution |
| 1057 | 2003.09.15 | ISO/IEC WD 13249-6 Information technology - Database languages - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 6: Data Mining 2nd ed | Project Editor (Christoph Lingenfelder) | Working Draft Text |
| 1056 | 2003.09.03 | FDIS Ballot Results for Information technology - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 5: Still Image 2nd ed | ITTF | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 1055 | 2003.09.03 | FDIS Ballot Results for Information technology - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 3: Spatial 2nd Edition | ITTF | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 1054 | 2003.09.03 | FDIS Ballot Results for Information technology - SQL Multimedia and Application Packages - Part 2: Full-Text 2nd ed | ITTF | Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
| 1053 | 2003.09.03 | WD 20943-2 Information technology - Achieving Metadata Registry Content Consistency - Part 2: XML Structured Data | Project Editor (Ray Gates) | Working Draft Text |
| 1052 | 2003.08.14 | US Position on Progression of Parts of ISO/IEC 11179 | United States | National Body Contribution |
| 1029 | 2003.07.25 | Meeting Notice and Draft Agenda for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 4 SQL Multimedia and Application Packages, 27 October (Monday) to 31 October (Friday), Melbourne, Australia | WG4 Convenor | Meeting Announcement |
| 1028 | 2003.07.22 | Timeframes for the Development of International Standards | ISO-ITTF (DIN) | Information from ISO Central Secretariat (Open) |
| 1027 | 2003.07.22 | TMB-Communiqu�-Issue-19 | ISO | Information from ISO Central Secretariat (Open) |
| 1026 | 2003.07.22 | Streamlined approach to Referencing Explanatory Reports (RERs) involving certain types of documents from certain sources | SC 32 Secretariat | Other Document (Open) |
| 1025 | 2003.07.22 | ISO/IEC WD 11179-2 Information Technology - Metadata Registries - Part 2: Classification | Project Editors - Jim Carpenter & Nancy Lawler | Working Draft Text (for information or comment) |