The NIST Conference Program provides the expertise necessary to plan these scientific and technical conferences, offering a full-service staff to help make your meeting a success. Each conference is assigned a two person team - a manager, who is responsible for overseeing the promotional and logistical details of the conference, and a registrar, who is the main point of contact with registrants and potential attendees. The registrar also handles the registration process and oversees staff who work at the registration desk. The team approach assures there will be someone to answer questions and respond to your needs at all times.
Most NIST conferences are co-sponsored with other federal agencies, academic institutions,
professional societies, or industry groups. NIST may co-sponsor conferences with commercial or
profit-making organizations provided the conference is not budgeted to make a profit for the
organizers or the conference is not used for commercial purposes by the co-sponsor.
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NIST has long been known for the beauty of its grounds. The complex consists of an 11-story
Administration building, and numerous special purpose laboratories, with separate buildings for
instrument shops, and a steam and chilled water generation plant. The Administration Building
houses the meeting and dining facilities. The meeting facilities are designed to accommodate
scientific meetings of varying sizes. Adjoining the meeting area is the dining area which includes a
staff lounge, useful for coffee breaks, a cafeteria seating 650, and 3 smaller dining rooms which
can be reserved for group luncheons. Also located in the Administration building is the library,
small museum, and a standards vault, all of which contain memorabilia from nearly 100 years of
service as the Government's primary measurement research agency. From the museum,
a glassed-in walkway leads from the first floor library area to the dining and meeting
room areas. One can exit the walkway and step out into the central courtyard, a pleasant open
area with small fountain and pool, a large weeping beech tree, and other landscaping. The
meeting, dining, and library facilities were intended to provide greater flexibility in present and
future plans for scientific meetings, educational programs, and for the day-to-day meeting and
dining needs of the staff. These needs have been met with designs which have proved to be both
useful and attractive.
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Food Functions - Guest Services, Inc., which serves the NIST employees, also caters food functions, including breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, receptions, and picnics. Any conference with 80 or more attendees should be served set-menu luncheons in a special section of the NIST cafeteria. Luncheons should not be scheduled before 1 p.m. (12:30 p.m. for the NIST Lunch Club) regardless of size. Guarantees must be given 1 week in advance for any food function. Also, food functions can be arranged at local hotels, restaurants, and special locations, such as the Kennedy Center and the Smithsonian Institution.
Parking - Parking is available at NIST. Outside groups of more than 300 are encouraged to include bus service, which can be provided by NIST.
Lodging - More than 1,500 hotel rooms are available within 5 miles of NIST. For NIST-sponsored conferences, the program staff can negotiate special rates for attendees. Busing to and
from NIST is generally provided by the conference. Gaithersburg Area Hotels.
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Red Auditorium - Seats 756 persons. Equipment includes satellite receiver, sound reinforcement and a recording microphone mixer system, video camera (3CCD) to record meetings in both VHS and 3/4" U-matic formats and the ability to record two or more meetings simultaneously, 16-mm sound projectors, overhead projectors, slide projectors, projectors for video or computer data and images.
Green Auditorium - Seats 298 persons. Equipment includes all of the above, in addition to blackboard, corkboard, and black lights.
Lecture Rooms A, B, and D - Seat 88 persons each (theater); 50 (schoolroom); or 35 (U shape). Equipment includes 16-mm sound projectors, overhead projectors, slide projectors, data projectors, video projection, computer LCD panels, blackboard and black lights.
Lecture Room C - Seats 44 persons (schoolroom). Equipment includes projectors as above.
Rooms B111 and B113 - Seat 12 persons (conference style) each for press rooms, speakers' lounges, or conference headquarters. Equipment includes blackboard and screen.
Dining Rooms - May be set up as two rooms to seat 24 persons each or two for 12 persons each and one for 24 persons. Used for speakers' breakfasts or small luncheons.
Employees' Lounge - Seats 50 to 80 persons for refreshments, displays, demonstrations, poster sessions, or group lunches.
If space is not available at NIST the Conference Prcgram staff can secure space off-site and still manage
NIST-sponsored or co-sponsored meetings. NIST can also host classffied meetings, provided the users of
the facilities perform their own sweeps.
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